Terms of Use

Collabfive.com is an information and reference website that creates polls and ranks the entries in those polls based on the votes of the users of the website. We do not claim that the information contained on the website is accurate. The contents of the website are for entertainment purposes and users of the website must do their own due diligence on the recommendations given by other users. We do not ensure that the rankings are “correct” by any standard. The rankings of entries in the polls are controlled by users of the website. We only warrant that none of our staff controls the rankings of the polls. We do not artificially manufacture rankings. We can, however, vote in the polls based on our own interests. However, it can happen that other users gather people to vote individually in their own devices: that is allowed.

We sell advertising space and the ability to put links, photos, and descriptions for entries in polls. Entries and poll categories can be given by anybody, including members of our staff.

Votes can be made by one person per entry, per poll. Thus, it is possible to vote for each entry in a poll. A person can vote again if he or she transfers devices. Otherwise, he or she can vote once in a 24-hour period, which will refresh every midnight. We reserve the right to put up a category or entry or respond to a comment or request when we can only. We also reserve the right to erase content we believe to be illegal, immoral, or is damaging to our users or our website.

It is prohibited to copy or use our content without written permission.